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  • Annual Book Fair

    It's that time of the year when Book Worm Reading sets up in our gym for the annual book fair! The book fair starts Monday at noon and runs until Thursday at noon. During this time, the gym will not be used by students for activities.

    Questions? Email Us!


  • At Home Learning

    We have a new tool for students to use when working through homework or wanting extra assitance. 

  • First Day of School

    The first day of school is an exciting time for most but there always are some nerves. Download and view our helpful First Day of School checklist to make sure you and your student and prepared for their first day!

  • Weather News

    If the school needs to shut down in relationship to the weather, every guardian of the student will receive a call but you can always check on our website as we will include a popup message letting you know if school is canceled or not.
